Welcome to my Blog!

Greetings and welcome to my page. My name is Rebbecca, I am a mom of two and a preschool teacher in southwestern Virginia. I have had the blessing of working in a Reggio Emilia inspired center for nearly 10 years, with the Greenies (my students) for 7 of the last 10 years. Our emergent curriculum and play based learning approach has changed the way I think about working with children. I am looking forward to sharing my inspirations, reflections and stories with you. So glad you're here!

“If you are a dreamer,come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hoper, a prayer, a magic-bean-buyer. If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire, for we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in! Come in!” Shel Silverstein

Friday, August 19, 2011

More Tools For Your Tool Box

I often find discipline and handling it in just the right way to be a bit of a puzzle sometimes. What works for one child won't necessarily work for another. No matter how many kids you have worked with you can always use a few more tools for your tool box, or a good reminder. Thanks Teacher Tom for this fantastic find!

What about those days when he's hell-bent on misbehaving?

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